Nothing to do with the OS. Everything you didn’t install with Aurora Store should better be put in Aurora Store’s blacklist so that it doesn’t look for unnecessary updates (yes, I know, this means many, many Apps to blacklist, but it avoids confusion for you and the system ).
The Google Play Services update gets offered because microG poses as those Google Play Services, Aurora Store can’t distinguish the two (which means mission accomplished for microG on that front).
I upgraded my Samsung S9+ (star2lte) a few days ago. I bought this phone from Here’s some feedback about what’s different, from my experience:
had to re-add fingerprints for biometric auth
Nextcloud Talk feels faster
Maps has more relevant nearby search results
bluetooth disconnects and crashes often when I try to use it with my car - maybe one of these issues is related? I don’t recall this happening much before, maybe just a few times in the past year or so. Now it happens all the time in my car. My Bluetooth headset (airpods pro) seems to work fine before & after upgrading.
camera app now has a floating camera icon with a little plus sign hovering over the zoom slider
my alarms worked and stayed enabled, no issues there
I’d like to contribute this info, thumbs-ups, comments, etc on the /e/ gitlab instance but I’m unable to register. I get 1 error prohibited this user from being saved: Email is not allowed for sign-up. Check with your administrator. I tried with a gmail account and one with my own domain, same result for both.
I installed the V0.21 on my preinstalled /e/ S9 via the notification of the settings app and it didin’t work. My phone never boots correctly (bootloop). I created a topic : Bootloop after installing V0.21 on preinstalled /e/ S9
Hi @Manoj is there any user documentation available telling us the actual method employed by the System OTA Upgrade of Android version from Oreo to Q on Samsung devices (stable) to help users with difficulties with #ota-upgrade?
I bought from /e/store with Android Pie at that time and I don’t have enough knowledge to upgrade to Q by myself. At the first post you say 0.21 was released also for Pie. What I’m saying is that I didn’t got it until now.
Hi @meonkeys,
Thank you for your feedback and I have the same camera icon over the zoom slider in the camera App with my S9 (Starlte with V0.21Q)
Can you confirm me if the slow charge mode is working fine on your S9+ ? Mine is not working and I 'd like to know if it is only on the S9. You can find the details in these following Gitlab issues: Slow charge mde inoperative and some settings reset after reboot.
Hello Manoj,
Like Hermano and Eugene_72 wrote, I also bought my FP3 stable Android 9 in the /e/ shop.
But till now there is unlike what is mentioned at “” no update from 020–> 0.21.
Thanks, Huib43
Hello all,
I made the S9 OTA Upgrade to Android 10 (incl. encryption during upgrade). (I use the stable version).
I noticed a very strange behavior. During the first hour after the upgrade, my S9 was permanently rebooting every one or two minutes without special activity. Without doing anything, it stopped rebooting, and seems to be now stable. I suspect Android disabled the guilty app or service, but I have no clue what it could be. I guess some logs should be able to tell me more, but I have no clue where to look for. Any help to allow me to understand what went wrong is more than welcome ! As the issue is not understood, I am afraid it could pop up randomly.
The stable build for FP3 was released and should be visible on your device. Let me check with the team again and get back @huib43 which version of the OS are you looking for the FP3 …Q or Pie