Week 32 2024: Development and Testing Updates

Summary of weekly development and testing activities by /e/OS developers and volunteers. Updated content has the :new: emoji.


v2.3 :new:

Status: Testing in progress

ETA: Aug mid :crossed_fingers:

Upcoming releases

Ongoing development tasks
  • A web based version of Easy Installer to be released replacing the existing desktop version. At present the team is working on the development and testing of this tool.
  • /e/OS GSI on T or Android 13
  • Development work in progress on /e/OS U or Android 14. List of devices to get the U build will be shared.
    • ETAs for all activities will be shared.
Murena 2 specific information
  • The camera out of focus issue reported by some users, has been identified as a hardware issue. We do not have spare parts for replacements. Request you to send in your invoice details to the helpdesk@e.email ID and the team will offer a refund with discount vouchers for future purchases.
  • Back covers are available for purchase on the website for those who want to order.
  • The Murena 2 is now sold out. We are working on plans to create a new and even better model in our Murena line for our users.

Previous 5 releases & user feedback

Device Support specific information

  • :loudspeaker: We will most probably drop support for /e/OS R after v2.3 :loudspeaker:
  • /e/OS R will be marked as legacy in our supported device list

:point_right: legacy means : No further official / stable / community / dev builds. Users with ROM building skills can build on their own.

:point_right: Legacy /e/OS versions:

  • R - or Android 11
  • Q - or Android 10
  • P - or Android 9
  • O - or Android 8
  • N - or Android 7
  • ASUS devices will have a warning in the Smartphone Selector mentioning non-availability of official unlock methods.
Devices which will lose support

X00P , X01AD , X01BD , YTX703F , YTX703L , a5y17lte , a7y17lte , addison , ahannah , albus ,cedric , d800 ,d801 ,d802 , d803, d850 , d851, d852 , d855, ether , f400 , ginkgo , hannah , hlte , hltechn , hltekor , hltetmo , jactivelte , jasmine_sprout , jason ,jflteatt, jfltespr , jfltevzw , jfltexx , jfvelte , klte ,klteactivexx , klteaio, kltechn , kltechnduo , klteduos, kltedv , kltekdi , kltekor , lavender ,lithium , ls990 , montana , obiwan ,oneplus3, platina , rhannah , s3ve3gds , s3ve3gjv , s3ve3gxx ,scorpio ,shamu, sirius ,suzuran ,twolip ,victara ,vs985 , wayne ,whyred ,x2, z3, z3c , zl1

:point_right: Decision on continued support for FP2 pending.

Why /e/OS stops support for an OS Google has stopped security patches. LineageOS has also dropping support. For most of the older devices vendors would also have stopped vendor patches.We would not be able to continue support as it would require backporting security patches which will require dedicated resources and is not a viable long term solution. Users are advised to upgrade to newer OS and builds where available.


:warning: Do not post test build details on the forum :warning:

  • Please do not post information or links to /e/OS test builds on the forum.
  • These builds are as yet untested and under development and may in some cases cause user devices to soft brick.
  • Such information can confuse other users who do not see these builds in the updater.
  • Remember not all users who come to this forum are experts in installing and formatting custom ROMs and can end up seriously damaging their devices by trying out these test builds
  • If you are genuinely interested in helping with the testing activities and also understand how to fix and do some minor level of testing on custom ROMS, you are welcome to join the testing team
  • As part of the testing team you can share your comments on the dedicated testing telegram channel.


Murena Workspace and Self hosting


Murena Cloud is now Murena Workspace

:star: Murena workspace current version :

:star: Self Hosting current version v

:point_right: Team working on the next version upgrades. Will share more information when we are ready.

How to check the NextCloud version click here

You can find the complete documentation and current NC version under Login – Murena >> NextCloud xx user documentation. The xx should show the latest version.

  • Another way to check the current version is to check the NextCloud scan link and input https://murena.io this should display the current version number as well as the security level.

Please note if patch number is not the same as the NC patch number, the rating would show up as bad \U0001f610 This is not exactly a problem. We do not immediately jump to the next NC patch as soon as it is released. We first test it and then set out with the deployment.


  • Current GSI version is on /e/OS Q and v1.17

  • Download available here

  • Sources available here

:point_right: GSI OS version will next move to T or A13 skipping the R and S . Team is working on /e/OS T GSI. Will share release dates once available

OS OTA Related information

  • Fairphone: FP4 : S (A12) T (A13)

  • Samsung: S9/9+ : R(A11) S(A12)

  • Gigaset: GS290 : Q (A10) Android 11 (R)

  • Oneplus: avicii : A12

  • OnePlus : avicii : Q ( A10) R (A11)

  • Fairphone: FP4 : R ( A11) S (A12)

  • Fairphone:FP3 : R (A11) S (A12)

  • Fairphone:FP3 : Q (A10) R (A11)

  • Samsung: s7 / s7+ : Nougat (A7) Q (A10)

  • Samsung: s9 / s9+ : Oreo (A8) Q (A10)

  • Samsung: Galaxy S9/9+ : Q (A10) R(A11)

  • Samsung: s8 / s8+ : Pie (A9) R (A11)

  • Teracube: 2e / zirconia: Q (A10) to R (A11)

  • Teracube: emerald & zirconia : R (A11) to S (A12)

  • Samsung: S7 ‘herolte’ ‘hero2lte’: Q ( A10) R (A11)

  • Google Pixel ‘redfin’: S(A12) T(A13)

  • Gigaset: GS290: R(A11) S (A12)

  • Fairphone: FP3 : S (A12) T (A13)

  • Samsung: S7/7+ : R(A11) S(A12) :new:

    :information_source: All OTA OS upgrades are on stable or official builds

  • Samsung: S8/8+ : R(A11) S(A12)
    • ETA v2.3 :crossed_fingers:
Our definition of an OS OTA upgrade

Usually for /e/OS ROMs to upgrade the OS you have to do the following

  • If available download the correct OS build from the supported device list
  • For some devices you also need to download the stock ROM from the vendor site.
  • Take a back up of your data
  • First install the Stock ROM
  • Next install the /e/OS ROM. Here you can take help of the install guides available on our documentation site.
  • If required apply the backups you downloaded before starting the whole process

An alternate to this tedious process is where we offer the user the option to upgrade the OS OTA. This option is available for stable device builds only.
This process is easy for the user but requires a lot of development and testing effort.

Different /e/OS build types


Documentation updates

:point_right: A guide to understand how to setup Parental Controls

Misc information

Read Gael 's roadmap for 2024

Device and Vendor specific Announcements

Gigaset GS290

  • We have stopped the sales of the Gigaset GS290 on the eSolutionsShop as the vendor has stopped production of the device. We will continue support for existing users.

:loudspeaker: Message being shared on the request of our vendor partners

  • Vendors whose phones we sell on our eSolutions Store do not directly sell /e/OS flashed devices.
  • The vendors only sell their devices with their own stock ROM.
  • To get pre flashed /e/OS phones, you have to purchase them from the eSolutions Shop.

/e/OS Pre flashed device sales

  • We sell directly in EU, US, Canada and Australia
  • Find details of what devices are available in which countries here Murena Shop.
/e/OS website and social media Links and Support


  • Facing issues with devices you purchased from us ? For issues you would want support on from the /e/OS support team, send in the details using the contact form


Telegram Channel

Social Media


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


I’m still wondering about this.
How feasible is this? Which factors play into the decision?

Some of the factors that decide continuing support would be :

  • Upstream support for the device from vendor or Google
  • Availability of a developer or maintainer to build and more importantly debug issues with the device builds
  • User requests for continued support

I am trying to update my Oneplus 7 Pro which is still on android 11 and e/ 1.21. My update to 2.0 crashed, because I am not on android 12. At least that is how I understand it now. I had to switch the memory slot to able to get the phone up and running again on 1.21.

I think I read a post from you a while ago that said support for Oneplus 7 Pro is stopped. Do I remember that correctly? Will there be an update/upgrade in the future, bypassing the current problems with the update? What would your advise be on how to proceed?
Thank you for your help.

I don’t know to ask where correctly, so I try here:

  1. Is /e/ providing firmware update (like for phone modem, …)?
    a.) No
    b.) Yes, but only with complete fresh install
    c.) Yes, with OTA and fresh install

2,) Is Fairphone OS providing any firmware updates ?
(maybe somebody knows)

Background for this:

Thanks a lot

Answered here … Providing of firmware updates = - #2 by AnotherElk - The Products - Fairphone Community Forum


OnePlus 7 pro support is not stopped. The latest build is on v2.2 and on /e/OS T or Android 13. To upgrade you will have to follow the suggestions in the install guide


Thank you Manoj. I did not manage to install android 12. Out of frustration I gave this method a try and to my own surprise it worked out well.

Have a good weekend!

Finally got my Oneplus 7 Pro working. I just simply used adb sideload and used the full image (not recovey) of e-2.2-t-20240717417775-dev-guacamole. It also left all my data in tact.
I started out with Android 11 on e/OS 1.21. No need to go to stock android 12 first.
At least so it appears for now ;-).

So here’s is happy camper.