Hi! I am a new /e/os user and I am pretty happy
The only problem I have now is that it is impossible for me to buy any app. I would need to install the Photosync bundle but every time I try to buy using Apple lounge or Aurora it gives me an error. I tried also to download it directly from the Google store but it say that my phone is not supported (Fairphone 4). Do you have any advice? Thank you!
In case a user had purchased paid apps in a previous life with a Google Android phone, we also provide him/her the option to sign in with a Google Account. Please note: In order to purchase a paid app, users will need to use a Google account linked to another device that has Google Play installed.
An… innovative - but not effortless - way to get at that Google Play store is running an Android VM for purchases: How to purchase a paid app
I have several PayApps on my Samsung Tab 6 lite eOS 1.1 via the Aurora Store, which I can also download and use very well. Among others Inkredible Pro and Final Fantasy 7. The apps are also downloaded again via the Aurora Store (logged in with my Google account) when reinstalling. The Aurora Store also does not “forget” my login with my Google account, so the latest updates are downloaded beautifully.
but to again clarify, this goes only one way, you can download, but not buy through the AuroaStore, right?
Never gave this a thought before, why will the web version of the Play Store only allow you to buy an App after at least 1 device is associated with the account. Avoiding some type of fraud? what can be a technical reason? This would be such an easy solution.
Easier than running emulated Android sure is associating “some” old Android phone.
you are right, a payed app downloading is no problem. Buying over the aurora store is not working. You have to buy over the web version of playstore and download it seperatly in aurora store…
Thanks to everybody!
I will give it a try.
Hope it will works, I didn’t find any alternarive app to Photosync and I would like to continue to use it.
I am a bit concerned about this problem, I didn’t find any info about this issue before buy the Fairphone with /e/os preinstalled.