Feedback for v1.7

Please share feedback on the v1. 7 build for your devices and how it is working with application you use.

Refer category description here

Builds will be rolling out in a staggered manner over the next couple of days. It will be released for a few devices at a time.

We will also have a poll to rate this build.

  • I have updated to v1.7 on my device and it is working well
  • I updated to v1.7 but I am having issues (Please share the issue details on this thread)
  • I am not able to update to v1.7 (Please share the issue details on this thread)

0 voters

When sharing your feedback or issues, Please add the following details

  • Vendor Name

  • Device name

  • Device CodeName

  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously

  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted

Refer this table for vendor, codename details

Refer this guide to share more details in your feedback


Samsung S8 (SM-G950F)
Android 11
version /e: 1.7-20230220280404
Pas de problème rencontré avec une utilisation standard…


Where could i find 1.7 version? In the table there is no reference to e os version number but just for android codename

From there: “Install doc” - Command line “Install” - section “Downloads for …” - “/e/OS build” - follow the link(s) given there.
If it’s not there already, it didn’t get built yet.

If you are on the same major Android version already, it should also come via OTA update at some point.

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1.7 on (not rooted) Murena FP4 running fine so far.

You have it on Fairphone 4 ?

Damn don’t have it yet :sob:

I also dont have it on FP4 yet.
But that only means that its already testet somewhat by others when it (soon) comes around :wink:


Just updated from 1.6 to 1.7 via sideload without any issue my Samsung Galaxy SM-P610 gta4xl wifi. Now running 1.7-s-20230111250406-dev-gta4xlwifi.


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Just updated from 1.6-r-20221202239576-dev-FP3 to 1.7-s-20230111250406-dev-FP3 via sideload with looked bootloader. Everything works fine. Phone is not rooted.

Thanks for the excellent work.


update xiaomi readmi note 9 pro (joyeuse) 1.6s to 1.7s via sideload without problems.
device was rooted via magisk (I need to reinstall magisk after update)
android version is still 12 - e/os version is 1.7-s-20230111250406-dev-miatoll
is there a changelog available to check if everything is working correctly?

@mebitek you can find the changelog here.

…does that mean, that there is still no updated “Browser” / WebView App in 1.7?

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I notice just a thing: i edited the build.prop file adding home_adj = 1 but seems to have no effect resulting in reloadibg launcher icons (kvaesito launcher) On version 1.6 worked fine

@Shakatus i installed bromite webview via magisk

It seems it will come out with 1.8.

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just updated 1.6-s to 1.7-s with sideload on Poco F3 (alioth), no problem detected.

The only thing is that I would have liked the security patches to be more recent.


  • Vendor Name: Sony
  • Device name: Xperia XZ2 Compact
  • Device CodeName: “xz2c”
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: /e/OS 1.6
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: not rooted.

After having recently upgraded from v1.5 to v1.6 via sideload, this upgrade to v1.7 was offered by the built-in updater and so far is working nominally.

Question: is LineageOS’s new Aperture camera coming to a future /e/OS release as well?

Updated my Mi8 to 1.7-s. Working fine so far…


My /e/ device is: Xiaomi
Mi 8 (dipper)
Non rooted

Installed the 1.7-s-20230111250406-dev-dipper via sideload.
Previously I was on 1.7-beta-s-20221207241197-dev.
All works fine.

Thanks to all the team : )