gs290 seems to stay at the “s”- or 12-level of Android/LineageOS, as in the list devices. Lineage-OS dont mention any more the gs290 in its’list.
How long an /e/-OS for the gs290 can be maintained by the team ?
thanks for any hints, Brieucs.
in an other post, @Manoj pointed that an answer of my question was in the “murena faq” :
How many years will you support your phones with software updates?
We aim to support with at least 5 years of software updates and security patches.
thanks to @aibd for the documented logic of android / lineage / e0S versions (and @fl0 for the question ).
I began to use the gs290 on 2022 january.
There are not so much recent phones to benefit of official-/e/-OS. (in december 2021, the price of the /e/-gs290 was 230 €, may-be I could use it until 2026).