Stuck on 1.7-20230110250404

Your partial build reference forms a match with e-1.7-r-20230110250404-stable-flame. Please confirm if this is correct so that you don’t get the wrong advice. Settings > About phone > Tap on Android version > Long press /e/OS version to copy to clipboard.

If correct, you should have received an OTA Android version upgrade. The published builds are

Please first try Issues with the Updater and a solution, this might be the reason for failure of the upgrade. (Of course you will have to overcome the lack of internet connection, but that has been possible in some cases.)

Many users are suffering from similar sounding symptoms, and the posts have been amalgamated here Issue with no connectivity for users still on old builds post release of v2.0 with a Gitlab issue here

e_flame-user 11 RQ3A.211001.001 eng.root.20230110.170749 dev-keys

i tried the steps on “issues with updater” link with no success

i’ve downloaded

what are the commands to flash this via adb without wiping data?

You have provided a reference including

So you have not confirmed my first guess. Please try to provide the build and version string specifically requested.

The official advice is that one should Format data when doing an Android version upgrade.
Do you already have a backup of essentials?

You should confirm to yourself the build type before flashing any new ROM.

sorry about that, i think this is what you were requesting:


i understand formatting is recommended, but i don’t want to lose my esim

I do not know if you have a backup. Any upgrade you need essentials backed up.

I have no experience of eSIM.

Do you fear or know if your eSIM is at risk if you Format data? I suggest you resolve that before any intervention.

The standard commands are here, officially, one is advised to treat the upgrade as a new install.

I have an undocumented proposal / suggestion.

The opportunity to do this vary by device and Android version. Please open Settings > System updater (aka Updater) > top right, 3 dot menu do you see Local update? If Local upgrade is available on your device we could try to simulate the OTA Upgrade.

In the same menu > Preferences check that the default “Upgrade recovery” is toggled on.

I downloaded the Android 12 (S) ROM and investigated the contents as per this method.

ROM inspection
~/TEMP-flame$ ls

~/TEMP-flame$  tar xzvf payload-dumper-go_1.2.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz payload-dumper-go

~/TEMP-flame$ ./payload-dumper-go
Please wait while extracting payload.bin from the archive.
payload.bin: /tmp/payload_726534387.bin
Payload Version: 2
Payload Manifest Length: 94251
Payload Manifest Signature Length: 267
Found partitions:
boot (67 MB), system (1.4 GB), vbmeta (4.1 kB), dtbo (8.4 MB), product (642 MB), system_ext (403 MB), vbmeta_system (4.1 kB), vendor (906 MB)
Number of workers: 4
boot (67 MB)            [================================================] 100 %
system (1.4 GB)         [================================================] 100 %
vbmeta (4.1 kB)         [================================================] 100 %
dtbo (8.4 MB)           [================================================] 100 %
product (642 MB)        [================================================] 100 %
system_ext (403 MB)     [================================================] 100 %
vbmeta_system (4.1 kB)  [================================================] 100 %
vendor (906 MB)         [================================================] 100 %

The ROM contains contents for the vendor partition, this helps to confirm it is suitable for an Upgrade of Android version. However I do not know if other “magic” is required to perform an OTA Upgrade.

If you have “Local Update” option available you might consider this.

Download the ROM to a location like SD card or OTG USD drive, checking in advance that the System updater can navigate to your chosen location.

Now follow the Updater prompts to perform the local Upgrade.

Please do this only at you own risk if you fully understand the proposal, and take seriously any error that is shown by the Updater.

I don’t have the Local option in my updater. Additionally, the Pixel 4 does not have an SD card slot. Can i flash that file via ADB? If so can you let me know the commands

regarding the esim, im not sure if its at risk if i format data. i don’t have much experience with them, first time using one, but i assumed a format would wipe everything.

its a prepaid esim, but is not transferrable, so if i lose it, i will lose all of the balance i have on it for mobile data.

So perhaps you should search or ask the provider.

Thanks for checking out whether a Local update is an option. So let’s just forget that …

My reply was in two parts, just forget the second part. Yes the standard documented method is to flash the ROM with adb.

It is still odd that you did not get the OTA Upgrade, to be safe / cautious you might check in advance if your current recovery matches your ROM.

i did a search and it sounds like format/reset does wipe the esim.

how do i confirm if my recovery matches my rom?

if the recovery does end up matching the ROM, do you know the commands to flash the update via adb?

I think it is important to read them in the context they are presented on the “install page” which I quoted.

You could send a screenshot of Recovery.

Good timing. I am also using a Pixel 4 that OTA updated to 1.7-r-20230110250404-stable-flame and has not shown another OTA update avail since. I also do not have a Local Upgrade option shown anywhere. Will follow the links for “Issues with the Updater” and report back.

Clearing the cache as was a problem for users trying to move from 1.14 to 1.15 did not resolve problem.

Searched the forum for “1.7” and found many users ended up stuck on this exact version, and in general a fresh install of the current “S” version of /e/ seems to be the solution. Will work on backing everything up and flashing the latest version today.

I have exactly the same problem with a Pixel 4 as the op.

  • 1.7-r-20230110250404-stable-flame

  • e_flame-user 11 RQ3A.211001.001 eng.root.20230110.170749 dev-keys

  • Android 11

  • No ability to perform OTA update - none available

  • No local option in updater

  • Update app cache cleared - no effect

  • Advanced Privacy disabled - no effect

  • Easy installer failed to recognise phone (all steps followed)

Would be great to hear how @tenbbs gets on with a fresh install. Running and install using ADB & Fastboot would be totally new territory for me.

I doubt it is the issue in this case but what is required in Updater is to Clear Storage in addition to cache.

Are you using Windows? If yes, maybe as here Easy Installer failed with Pixel 5

Windows fastboot drivers fix

It is a known issue that there are often a variety of Windows drivers for some Android devices. It will vary by device, but Windows may have provided a simple driver allowing communication with the device normally, but not in fastboot mode. Sometimes the “full” driver might have the name “Combination driver”. Windows is expected to be able to find such driver automatically as follows.

To check and fix

Connect the phone, powered on, normally booted, to your Windows PC with a good usb data cable, and open Windows Device Manager.

Open a terminal alongside and use the command

adb devices

to check that you can communicate with the phone. The expected response is for the device to identify itself with serial number and another string, for example

abc2345def device

Any device with a driver issue whould appear in Device manager as :warning: Problem device.

If you see a :warning: Problem device, run Windows Update, ensure the warning clears.

Now importantly check the phone in the other bootable modes. Boot the phone into Recovery mode, Device Manager still open; use the command

adb devices

Boot into Fastboot mode and use the command

fastboot devices

Should the :warning: appear at any stage, run Windows Update again.

This page links to both Windows and Linux install pages.

I did clear both storage & cache for Updater (just re-tested to be sure)

I’m using a Mac version of Easy Installer with a known good cable which was used for current version install.

You might try this…

Thank, but as mentioned in my first post, the Easy Installer does not find my phone, so cannot progress to attempting to download. I’ve followed all of the steps to ensure the phone is configured correctly, with a known good USB cable.

And yes, Easy Installer is in my Mac’s Application directory.

Easy installer worked flawlessly when installing e/OS for the first time.

Perhaps the fact that the stable build for flame has been discontinued from the instructions is playing a part in this. I provided a link (from memory) for the stable builds at the top of this thread but this source is no longer linked to the install page.

The first consideration in the manual install, dev build, is to ensure

Before following these instructions please ensure that the device is on the latest Android 13 firmware.

Pixels are relatively easy to upgrade Please read the options there carefully. You might consider using Android Flash Tool,

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