on one of 2 identical FP4 phones installed with the same version of E OS at the same time I am on android 13 already for quite a while and I just received an update notification for the latest E OS update.
Since there is a critical security patch I thought it important to tell my wife to check her FP4 (the other one of the identical FP4) and to my horror I found it is still on E OS 1.21.1 and it says there are no updates available when refreshing.
Any answer to your findings from the other links would be useful. The reason for asking about those tiresome details is that the Fairphone 4 is served by two different “Build types”.
First sorry for the delay but it is my wifes phone so it kinda dropped to the background.
So the removing of the data and cache for the update app did not help
So i’ll provide additional phone details.
Her Fair phone 4 that is stuck;
Android version 12
E-OS: 1.21.1-e-20240325389527-stable-FP4
Build number: e_FP4-user 12 SQ3A.220705.004
eng.root.20240325.215908 dev-keys
the details of my own phone that does seem to update to the most recent version
Android version 13
E-OS: 2.4.1-t-20241009439851-official-FP4
Build number: e_FP4-user 13 SQ3A.230901.001
I hope this helps as without a recent OS I am afraid that my wife will expose herself to unsafe stuff out there in the wild.
HowTo perform a dirty upgrade to “/e/OS-T” from a previous /e/ version ?
→ it is as simple as a dirty update…
there are multiple ways :
download the file, go to " → settings → system updater" and use the called “locale update” feature if you have it in the “3 dot menu”.
download the file, boot the phone to the recovery mode and use “apply update” then “from internal storage” if your “recovery mode” have the feature.
download the file on a SDcard, boot the phone to the recovery mode and use “apply update” then “from External SDcard” if your “recovery mode” have the feature.
download the file on a computer, boot the phone to the recovery mode and use “apply update” then “from ADB” :
download the latest /e/OS-T build for your device e-2.5-t-20241108446629-official-FP4.zip
not IMG-e-2.4.1-t-20241009439851-official-FP4.zip
(put it into the platform-tools folder)
the phone screen will be mostly blank with just the output at the bottom showing progress.
(Do not pay attention to the wipe related things on this photo that came from the full install from stock instructions !)
On the computer the sideloading shows progress as a percentage figure that will stop at 47%. The phone will still be installing though (even though it might feel like nothing is happening sometimes!) and you can expect to see the following screens (excepting the wipe related things)
My marriage will end rather abrupt if I delete any data on her phone though.
Will a dirty update wipe her data? Or will she notice nothing other than of course now having the latest OS?
Perhaps usefull information:
when I go look for release notes in the updater that alsways works for me on my phone.
On her phone it http error 404 (not found)
Would it be as easy as to change the URL on her phone where the updater will look for updates or is that hardcoded?
anyway I tried flashing trwp to the recovery partition like so
fastboot flash recovery_a twrp-3.7.0_11-0-FP4.img
but now I need to reflash the e/os/ 1.21 recovery that was there originally.
grrr. twrp did not work for me as it tried installing in slot b
so i reinstalled recovery.img that i found in the official 2.5 installer IMG.
now my e-recovery went from 1.21 to version 2.5 and the adb update is now blocked because it is considered a downgrade.
I can kiss my marriage goodby
where do I find the official installer for e/os version 1.21. the one that was running on here before the mayhem began. I will take the recovery.ima from there then and try again.
or where can I find the non installer image for e/os/ 2.5? that could also work
so what happened is the first time i tried starting into recovery mode it did not work and it started reinstalling e/os. I did not go through with that process though but it is now already too late.
i did do a dd
adb shell “dd if=/dev/block/sda11” | dd of=./userdata-backup.img bs=4M
after the sponanious reinstall of e/os but that data seems encrypted en I can’t get it dycrypted on my local computer.
should I just copy it back using dd and then see what happens?