Issue with no connectivity for users still on old builds post release of v2.0

This particular problem would possibly be solved.

But even then you running an /e/OS version from Stone Age with a myriad of unfixed security holes on a phone connected to the internet is a problem on its own, also for others once because of this negligence without you noticing a botnet operates on your phone in the background to attack other people’s devices.

Enjoying the benefits of a powerful device comes with a certain responsibility.
Regarding cars this is taught when getting a driver license.
Regarding computer devices, which can do severe harm to others, too … mostly chirping of crickets, unfortunately.

So update your device regardless, your device in the internet right now is like a 2 year old yoghurt in the fridge at work. Ugh :wink: !
Just my unpopular opinion, of course.

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OT: Well, you can also see it differently. My family is very happy with our four Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (orignal with Android 7, now with Android 9, thanks to /e/OS). We don’t miss anything and the eco-balance is unbeatable (as with my car from 2002), as it’s easy and cheap to repair.
IMHO, the operating systems should therefore simply be maintained for longer instead of producing unnecessary scrap.

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Just to be sure, I have to:

  1. backup : ttps://
  2. switch back to an “official” OS
    2.1) download the ROM, found for oneplus 5T on
    2.2) follow ttps://
  3. install the newest /e/
    3.1) download the lastest zip on ttps://
    3.2) install it as i did a long time ago following ttps://
  4. profit
    (as a new user, i am limited to two links, so i removed the h of https in the links)
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Whats about using TWRP or Titanium to backup? Couldn’t it be easier?

That sounds about right. Good luck.

There is no risk of bricking the device when following this method? The reason I’ve never upgraded the phone myself, is because ppl wrote it could get bricked. That’s also the reason I bought it from /e/ so I would get /e/ preinstalled.

So, does this mean that it wouldn’t help if the old captive portal server was made up and running again?

You can try to set working captive portal servers yourself …

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had an edit error in that captiveportalcontroller url. Discourse has the edit error cached if the quick-tile isn’t expanded

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Thanks, edited here, too.

Hi, my Samsung Galaxy S8+ running /e/OS 0.23 (April 2022) is having a rare behavior with Internet access. I can connect to wifi networks, but the device says systematically that Internet is not available on them. So /e/OS does not sync anymore with my calendars, contacts, and so on. I reset the networks settings, changed the DNS server, deleted the wifi connections, but it didn’t solve anything. This problem started when I was without any wifi networks during some hours, and then every connection appeared to be without any Internet access (even if the network was effectively working).
It seems something similar to Wifi connects but no internet access on fairphone 4.
Is it necessary to reset the device? Or is there any softer possibility?

Delete broken link.

The fix is to Upgrade, as you say your build is quite old, that is include Android version upgrade.

Are you on a stable or dev build? and currently what Android version?

I’m on Android 9, stable version /e/OS 0.23-2022041277701.

Many thanks, @tcecyk ! This solved the problem for me. I can now update apps again and the little “x” symbol has disappeared (FP3, /e/OS 0.23-20…, April 2022).

As I remember your phone should have been offered an OTA Android version Upgrade.

Delete broken link.

Great, works fine!
Here a short tut. I’d use adblink on my laptop (Ĺinux.Mint).

  • install captiveportalcontroller
  • allow ADB über Netzwerk in den Entwickleroptionen
  • connect device with adblink (ip:5555)
  • in ADB shell type: pm grant io.github.muntashirakon.captiveportalcontroller android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
  • choose custom servers in captiveportalcontroller
  • restart wifi
  • be happy
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Thanks. I purged the cache/main memory of the updater, but no new updates are proposed to the device.
Is it the way to get an OTA Android update?

Yes, but the “distributing server” may be no longer online, idk.

In your place I would restart the phone, redo the Clear storage, and repeatedly press the refresh button from time to time, because if you can catch the OTA Upgrade it will save you from having to Format data.

Meanwhile it might be a good time to ensure you have a backup of essentials.