[LIST] APN Values for Service Providers

This post will have details of APN values to be entered when setting up /e/OS with Specific vendors.

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APN options are here:
Setting → Mobile network → Advanced preference → Access point

Country Service provider APN Comments
France Orange/Sosh (individual) <apn carrier="Orange Internet" mcc="208" mnc="01" apn="orange.fr" proxy="" port="" user="orange" password="orange" mmsc="" authtype="1" type="default,mms" /> Voice, MMS, Internet, tethering
France Bouygues Telecom (enterprise, maybe individual too) <apn carrier="Bouygues Telecom" mcc="208" mnc="20" apn="mmsbouygtel.com" proxy="" port="" user="" password="" mmsc="http://mms.bouyguestelecom.fr/mms/wapenc" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" mvno_type="spn" mvno_match_data="Bouygues Telecom" type="default,supl,mms" /> Voice, MMS, Internet, tethering
France SFR (individual) <apn carrier="SFR webphone" mcc="208" mnc="01" apn="sl2sfr" Proxy MMS="" port MMS ="8080" user="" password="" MSC="http://mms1" authtype="" type="default, hipri, mms" /> Voice, MMS, Internet, tethering
Sweden Hallon (3.se network) (individual, maybe enterprise too) After manual upgrade on this Fairphone3, APN was unconfigured, no mobile data working, but on the APN setting page selecting reset default (three dots up right) and rebooted they got correctly populated. (so try that first!) The following two APN then displayed in APN setting:
3 SE
3 SE MMS (this one is selected)
Below is a write down of what is displayed after selecting 3 SE MMS:
Name=3 SE MMS, APN=data.tre.se, {Proxy, Port, User, Password, Server} are all undefined, MMSC=http://mms.tre.se, MMS-proxy=mmsproxy.tre.se, MMS-port=8799, MCC=240, MNC=02, Auth=not defined, APN-type=default,supl,mms, APN-protocol=IPv4, APN-protocol while roaming=IPv4, APN active (with slider greyed out), Bearer=not set, MVNO-type=None, MVNO-value= (greyed out)
The other APN, 3 SE, have exact same settings except MMSC, MMS-proxy, MMS-port are empty.
Voice, MMS, Internet, tethering

/molej 2021-06-30
United States Ting Mobile with X3 SIM (T-Mobile MVNO) <apn carrier="Ting Data" mcc="310" mnc="240" apn="wireless.dish.com" proxy="" port="" user="" password="" mmsc="http://wholesale.mmsmvno.com/mms/wapenc" mmsproxy="" mmsport="" mvno_type="" mvno_match_data="" protocol="IPV4V6" roaming_protocol="IPV4V6" type="default,admin,fota,mms,supl,hipri,internet" /> MMS, Internet, tethering ( https://help.ting.com/hc/en-us/articles/205428698-APN-setup-guide#ios-apn-settings-0-0 )
United States T-Mobile <apn carrier="T-Mobile US LTE" mcc="310" mnc="260" apn="fast.tmobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" type="default,supl,mms,ia" protocol="IPV4" roaming_protocol="IPV4" mtu="1440" /> Voice, MMS, Internet
United States Patriot Mobile via T-Mobile <apn carrier="T-Mobile" apn="fast.tmobile.com" mmsc="http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc" mcc="310" mnc="260" apn type="default,supl,mms" protocol="IPv4/IPv6" roaming_protocol="IPv4/IPv6" all other parameters="not set or unspecified or none" /> Voice, MMS, Internet

Samsung Galaxy S9, SM-G960F

/bruce 2021-07-24
The Netherlands Naam Vodafone Live, APN = live.vodafone.com,Proxy= Niet ingesteld,Poort: Niet ingesteld,Gebruikersnaam= Niet ingesteld,Wachtwoord= Niet ingesteld,Server=Niet ingesteld,MMSC= Niet ingesteld,MMS-poort= Niet ingesteld,MCC= 204,MNC= 04,Verificatietype= PAP,APN-Type= default,APN-Protocol=IPv4,Roamingprotocol voor APN= IPv4
Austria BoB/A1 Name: A1 MMS, APN: free.A1.net, Username: ppp@a1plus.at, Password: ppp, MMSC: http://mmsc.A1.net, MMS Proxy:, MMS Port: 8001, MCC: 232, MNC: 01, Authentication type: PAP, APN-Type: mms MMS

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For information, values can easily be extracted from /etc/apns-conf.xml (note : there can be multiple lines with the same APN carrier name).


Some background on some of the settings and why you cannot modify some of the values:

The Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) fields together specify which carrier you are using. Each carrier in the world has their own unique MCC and MNC value pair.

These will usually be set according to the SIM card that is inserted in your phone and won’t need changing. Your device may even prevent you from making changes to these fields, rendering them display-only fields.

Android’s APN settings are all carrier-specific: when you create an APN setting, it’ll be used only when you are using the carrier network specified in its MCC and MNC fields. If you take out the SIM card and replace it with one for another carrier, the APN settings you previously created will probably no longer be visible. If so, this is not because they have been deleted, but because Android sees no need in showing you APN settings for networks that don’t match your SIM card. In reality, Android devices usually ship with a large number of pre-configured APN settings, but only the ones that match the MCC and MNC corresponding to the provider of your SIM card will be listed.

Changing the MCC and MNC fields for an APN setting is not recommended (if your device allows it). Instead, if you want to configure an APN for a different carrier, it’s recommended to insert a SIM card that corresponds to that carrier first.

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@Manoj, is it possible to have borders in the table ? It’s a bit messy using black theme :wink:
Thanks !

When you say

How would we know whether the device allows it or not, aside from not being able to change it? The automatic settings offered for my service provider are not consistent with the settings listed by the provider (AT&T), and when I try to update the MNC it will let me change the values but the values will not save. Is this a property set by the device, and is there a workaround to update it?

I was having problems getting my Teracube running /e/os working on Ting (with T-Mobile as the actual carrier). A combination of looking at the suggested APN settings here and when I booted up an regular Pixel 4 running regular Android got me what I needed for the settings. The ones listed above are slightly different than the ones that were on the Pixel and the ones that ultimately worked. I’m putting them here for completeness. The one value that was different than above was MNC which is 240 rather than the 260 listed above. My phone didn’t have an MTU setting but I’m leaving this in. There was a bearer setting which turned out to be all of the options and then some on the Teracube. I’m not sure if leaving that as “unspecified” would have worked or not. :

carrier=“T-Mobile US LTE”

MMS was broken on 3 Denmark I followed the advice on https://www.3.dk/hjalp/daekning-og-netvaerk/opsaetning/opsaetning-af-mms/ which states.

APN: “data.tre.dk”
Proxy: “”
Port: “”
Username: “”
Password: “”
Server: “”
MMSC: “http://mms.3.dk
MMS Proxy: “mmsproxy.3.dk”
MMS Port: “8799”
MCC: “238”
MNC: “06”
Authentication Type: “PAP”
APN Type: “default,supl,mms”
APN Protocol: “IPv4”
APN Roaming Protocol: “IPv4”
Bearer: “”
MVNO Type: “None”
MVNO Value: “Not Set”

I had to delete all other APN configuration, BEFORE adding the new one, just adding a new one and selecting it doesn’t seem to work

There were 2 weird bugs that came up while trying to set an APN

  1. there were 5 APN’s added when i did the reset to default, 2 of which could not actually be selected?
  2. I also found that if some values overlapped between APN configurations, then it would fail to save the value no matter how hard you tried. In my case adding a new APN and then setting the MMS Proxy, if i set it to “mmsproxy.3”, then saved, it would work, but if i set it as “mmsproxy.3.dk” then pressing save the change would be forgotten and it would go back to “mmsproxy.3”.